Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 2015

"2015 is time to have a long discussion with Allah"
Berat amat yak? Hehehe....
Allow me to share how I take this as my only agenda this year...It's simple, really...

Awalnya bingung kenapa tidak ada agenda apapun di tahun 2015? I don't even have any target!!! Asli blank!!! Padahal dulu selalu ada mimpi-mimpi untuk keluargaku. Padahal dulu rasanya ga ada habisnya target di tempat kerja.  What happened?!!It's not me at all!!! Who is this person?!!! Panic!!!

Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir ada beberapa fakta yang lead me to say to myself "Hey...All is okay..."

Fact #1 : Transition
Well, indeed I'am in transition of my life. Career woman turned into Self employed woman hihihi, alias i do what i wanna do. It's just, I don't know what wanna do yet. Selama 10 tahun kerja, the job is already there, mau tidak mau harus ikut menggelinding dengan semua sistem. Now, I have to MAKE THE JOB.
It's A NEW THING and I don't know how to do it....It's understandable...It's Okay...

Fact #2 : Sudden change
I changed my path quite in an abrupt and in a sudden manner. Sesuatu membuat urgent untuk keputusan itu diambil. Jadi memang belum sempat punya design or rencana.
It's A NEW SITUATION and I don't know what to do...It's understandable...It's Okay...

Fact #3 : Life cuts you into pieces
Unfortunately it happens. Tiba-tiba suatu hari, universe yang sangat nyaman dan familiar jadi tempat yang asing and cuts you into pieces. I have to build my life from scratch again.
It's A NEW LIFE and I don't know what to do...It's understandable...It's Okay....

Jadi kesimpulannya.....All is understandable...All is okay...Voila!!! 

Ga perlu panik kalau memang belum punya target apapun di tahun ini...
Kalau ternyata kita sedang diam di satu tempat satu waktu di hidup kita, itu artinya kita memang sedang butuh untuk diam. In my case, Having New Path, New Hope is not enough to get my life instantly moving. Saya berarti memang butuh untuk diam dulu and there's no need to deny that condition. Maybe, God push a STOP button in my life, to make me come to him more than ever before and really....that's a true blessing. I just accept it dan waktunya untuk ngobrol lebih banyak dengan-Nya. Wow, It feels pretty amazing realizing that.

That's how I conclude that "2015 is time to have a long discussion with Allah", like I said in the begining of my post. Cheers.....

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