Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Story of Lipstick

It's 1st of April, means I will be adding one more number to my age very soon. Believe me, semakin bertambah umur , otomatis battle scars in life pasti nambah (hahahaha serem ya…). We are all have scars in life dan bentuknya macam-macam, like loosing your loved ones (break ups, infidelity, divorce or death), loosing your job, bankrupt with no money at all, failing in your final exam, battling infertility or serious illness, et cetera et cetera. I have some of those scars in me....

Pas gw lihat muka gw di kaca, OMG kucel banget. Like these ugly things that are happening, is also making me look ugly and older than my age. OH NOO! NOT ANYMORE! ENOUGH! I said to myself sambil gebrak meja rias gw (biar ada efek seru aja hehehe.......). 
These scars of my life, maybe bring me down to my knees, but this time, I will go down BEAUTIFULLY and GRACEFULLY….
At least, I will feel good about myself and like Tyra Banks said “I love the confidence that make up gives me”.  
Pernah baca good quote not so long ago…”Makeup will not solve your problem, but its pretty FAB START” 
It is very well said ladies!!

Looking back, saya adalah tipe perempuan yang berpikir bahwa inner beauty, brain, kind hearted is ALL that you need. Dengan prinsip seperti itu, I NEVER EVER have any urge to be updated with what’s the latest gem in make up world. Seperlunya saja beli make up standard, bedak, blush on, lipstick that was it. Jadi bener-bener I have ZERO knowledge about make up and really  don’t know where to start. Thank God, I found HER. There she was at that time, seating behind my desk, she was a junior at my office. I introduce to all of you…Cut Fitri, my 20’s something year old besties!! 

Hahaha, inget banget hari itu (around 6-7 months ago), gw kasih dia list of make up & beauty product that I need, and ask her to give her recommendation what is the best brand that I should bought. We had a good laugh! Dia heran banget sama Asst. Mgr-nya, umur 30an yang kuno banget ga tahu apa2 soal make up or beauty things.  Sebaliknya, gw heran banget sama semua nama-nama produk kecantikan yang keluar dari mulutnya, mostly baru pertama gw denger. Can you believe it, at that time I didn’t even know what BB cream is, GOSH! We had a blast that day! Now, thanks to her, well, at least gw sedikit paham soal make up dan beauty things. However, 30’s something woman should not look less trendy than the 20’s something girl right? hehehe…

Now, that I know, I am fascinated with lipstick. Karena menurut gw, dengan lipstick aja, it will bring colors to my face and change my look instantly. Warnanya macem2, you can play with the colors. So, ceritanya akhir-akhir ini dapet project kerjaan yang bisa bikin gw ketemuan sama Cut. Jadilah kita coba-cobain lipstick sebelum mulai kerja, and again we have a good laugh. So today, we've tried several lipstick, before deciding what colors we will put on......

Tarte matte lip tint, in allure
Cut’s opinion     : Glossy, light and minty! Love It…
Mine                     : Light, love the mint, but not my kind of color

Too faced melted in fuchsia
Cut's opinion : Matte, love the texture & color, the applicator is really handy (big YES)
Mine                : Love love the color, applicator also a plus, stay longer in your lips!

 Maybeline colorsensational in PinkAlert
Cut’s opnion      : Love the color, Matte but not too heavy, & the price is very reasonable
Mine                    : My kind of color! Matte but easily glide in my lips & pocket friendly price (A Fab lipstick for your lips, not always the expensive ones)

 The Face Shop – Overgirl edge lips
Cut's opinion      : Ga cocok, bikin bibir kering after using this lipstick
Mine                     : Not loving the color

NYX soft matte lip cream in Praque
Cut's opinion      : Texturenya ringan, sdkt glossy, warnanya jreng tapi msh acceptable.
Mine                     : Light, surprisingly not too matte, but the color is too dark for me

Lime Crime in red velvet
Cut's opinion     : Strong & Intense color. Kudu pilih2 when/where to wear this.
Mine                    : Looked perfectly covered my lips. But for me terlalu berat, spt spidol          kalau di bibirku. Not my cup of tea.

So, after all the trials, Cut’s pick of the day is Two faced melted in fuchsia!! 
For me, the winner is Maybeline colorsensational in PinkAlert!!  We are ready to start our day!!

Okay...that's my fun kind of story lately. This story teaches me new things, not only teaches me about make up or lipsticks hehehehe....Somehow, It teaches me about how to handle lemons in life.
It all turns out that First, is to take a good care of yourself. For me, I feel the needs to make myself feel beautiful, so I did make up. Only you know what is that you want to feel, is it content? or confident? or wanted?....then do things to feel that way, it can be eating a good delicious food or go for a long holiday, anything... Second, seek comfort and courage in your true best friends. For me, they are my anchor and my saviors. No words can describe my love for them. 
For me, it works. Finally, gave me enough energy to start fixing scars on the inside.

So there you go, those are the reasons why this mantra suits me at this time :
“Lipstick will not solve your problem, but it is  pretty FAB START!” 


Tyas & Cut